

improve the continuity

We are trying to improve the continuity of our animation, some of the shots will be changed.


Animation- sitting cowboy

At the last shot, the cowboy take a rest on the train. In the previous version, the cowboy just sit on the train without the hat, and there is no animation before.

We've finished about 50% of the report.


Animation - walking horse

When the cattle are falling down, the horse should walk a few steps and stop near the cliff.

Beside, we started to do the final report.


Animation - pulling by the train

This is the rope pulling by the train.

The cowboy single animation of this shot.

Finally, we combine this two animation.


Continuity of animation

In order to add more continuity between the shots, we decided to add a shot and animate two more animation.

(1)After the rope tie on the train, add one more shot to show the cowboy is riding the horse with holding the rope, and the cowboy pull by the rope which is holding on the train, then the cowboy move out of the screen.

(2)When the cattle are falling down, we will animate the horse.

(3)At the last shot, we will animate the cowboy, he will take off his hat and put it on the floor.
The Kinect of the last interaction is done, we've fix the hands problems, we find that we have to delete the IK handles in Maya before import the model into Unity. Now, the cowboy can be controlled quite well.
