
Normal map editing - cattle

After using the normal to the cattle in Unity, we find that there are some problems in the normal map.
As we can see, there are some unexpected shadow appear at some parts of the cattle.

We've try to adjust to setting to reproduce the normal map of the cattle, but the problems was still there, so we decided to edit the normal map file manually to fix the problems .

We go back to the Mudbox, use another color and paint on the part that having problems.

 In Mudbox, there is a function to flatten the cattle to UV space, now we can find out which part of the texture that contain problems. export this to Photoshop.
In Photoshop, import the normal map, now we can find the exact place that contains problem. Then use the Photoshop tool to fix it.

The old normal map.
 The new normal map.
 Now, the unexpected shadow is gone.
Use the same method the solve the problems at other parts of the cattle.

